What Do You Do After a Dissertation Defense?

It is a fact that to write down the best quality dissertation is the last hurdle to cross for the students in order to get a degree at the university level. After creating and submitting a masterpiece of the dissertation, the next step is to prepare yourself for the dissertation defence. There are two parts of the dissertation defence. The first is called the oral defence in which it is necessary for the students to prepare themselves to answer the questions of the audience. The second part is to prepare a presentation on the MS Office in the form of slides. If you are facing some problems to prepare yourself for the dissertation defence, then you can get help from the expert writers of the dissertation writing services. After successfully defending the dissertation, most of the students don’t know what to do. Here, we will provide some suggestions to the students who don’t know what to do after a successful dissertation defence.
1) After successfully defending the dissertation, your supervisor will ask you to distribute some copies of the dissertation. Therefore, the first step is to distribute the copies of the dissertation at the required places.

2) No doubt, during the dissertation writing process, you have got help from the expert persons. Therefore, after successfully defending the dissertation, you should try to hold a party for them and pay humble thanks to them.

3) It is also a fact that to write a dissertation is a challenging task for you and you will have to spend a lot of hours on the dissertation writing task by following a strict timetable. Due to this strict timetable, you don’t have enough time to enjoy with your family and friends. After defending a successful dissertation, you should also try to arrange an outside tour with your family and friends.

4) After successfully defending the dissertation, you will be able to get a degree. Therefore, you should update that degree in your CV. You should post a status on all the social media networks that you are using. Some other good places to update your CV are LinkedIn, Academia.edu, and ResearchGate etc.

5) After updating your CV, you should also try to update your list of publications. This is the most important thing to provide a proper track to all of your publications.

6) Sometimes, there is a possibility that you are not able to plan a tour with your family or friends due to some issues. Under such a situation, you should try to take some time off before starting some other task. This is the most important thing to keep your mind fresh.

7) It is also a fact that you will have to spend 3 to 4 years to conduct an effective research in order to get a PhD degree. After successfully defending the dissertation and getting the PhD degree, you should try to start something new according to your own interests.

These are the most important things that you can do after successfully defending the dissertation.


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